Nonreality;522684 Wrote: 
> What does eclectic really mean?  I loosely understand it but maybe not
> really.  Can anyone give a clearer understanding of the word with maybe
> some bands or artists?

I guess it's more of a catch-all for a station which doesn't keep
itself restricted to a particular genre/style.  For example, RadioIO
Eclectic would play music that would be categorized into narrower
categories elsewhere on the RadioIO menu.  So while you'd get deluged
with nonstop bluegrass on the Bluegrass station, the eclectic station
would mix one bluegrass song followed by a folk or jazz tune.

The thing about Radio Paradise is that the mix is well organized so
that even though you're hearing music from multiple genres, it doesn't
(to me anyway) do so in a way where the transitions are jarring to the

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