Thanks for the reply.  I really didn't know that I could delete things
or move stuff around.  I assumed that the plugins would change the items
in the structure.  What I was thinking was something like "Go to now
playing" -- easy enough.  then enter a single number to go to one of the
items in the submenu - enter a "right" command, and then a number for
the appropriate item in the next submenu. ETC!!!  From what you say it
appears that I can move items around and/or delete them -- which changes
the items to chosen, obviously.  I can certainly make up my own
"decision tree" and being able to edit sub.menus will help quite a bit. 
Now -- where do I get the information about editing those menus?  My
experience was with the Duet, where things could be added or dropped
from the home menu, but now that I am using a SB Classic I don't recall
seeing any specific information about such editing -- or is it all done
thru the server?


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