hungarianhc;524933 Wrote: 
> Also, does anyone know what the major advantages / disadvantages of
> going to SQL lite are?
SQLite keeps its entire database in a single file (well, sometimes a
couple) and keeps that file(s) open all the time. The advantages are
less opening/closing of files, which, on limited hardware is a win. If
the db file(s) isn't fragmented then any hardware disk caching can help
performance - at least for sequential reads. I don't know if you can set
it so the entire set of tables is cached in memory. Anyone? I haven't
worked with SQLite for some years. I hear it's loads faster than it was,
but don't have details.
Yes, MySQL is a more "grown up" dbms - but the tables we use - even for
100K tracks - are pretty piddly compared to what it's designed for. If
you know how to configure it, you can set it so all tables are cached in
memory, sidestepping the need to read files (even from hardware cache)
and convert them into table-logical format. However, SB server, "out of
the box" -isn't set to do that-. And if you've got limited hardware, you
probably don't have the resources (memory) to do that anyway.
The only downside I can see is that SQLite's hardware acceleration will
be quite dependent on the state of the DB file's fragmentation. Of
course, if you pre-allocate a large enough file that isn't an issue, but
we all have collections that are growing, at one rate or another...

While I'm on it, the antivirus angle is that MySQL is opening and
closing a bunch of files, not just keeping a single one open. That looks
like a virus trying to infect other files to an antivirus app.

I've been curious to try 7.5e just to see if the "new" SQLite is enough
faster than a tuned MySQL to make the web UI noticeably faster. From
replies in this thread, it sounds like it isn't, BTW. No way to really
tell from a version running in a VM with access to a few K tracks so
potentially many hours fussing for no result - which is why I posted the
question that started this discussion. Again - thanks everyone of the

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