soundcheck;529331 Wrote: 
> @ ralphy.
> THX a lot- It works with the MAC address. The only problem is that you
> have to rename the player on the server. Otherwise it is called
> squeezeslave. Would be nice if I could assign a dedicated player-name
> on the commandline.
The server should add a number after the name for each additional
squeezeslave player that connects to it.  If it didn't I suspect your
server.prefs file is screwed up from starting multiple players with the
same mac address.
soundcheck;529331 Wrote: 
> alsa:
> I do understand the generic  output approach. 
> I just wanted to make sure that nothing is routed to plughw if -l says
> hw:0.

Yes, that should be the case.

soundcheck;529331 Wrote: 
> That also means if I run e.g. SPDIF out (output hw:1,1 on my soundcard),
> I would have to create a virtual device in .asoundrc for addressing the
> 2nd subdevice. Correct?
> Again THX a lot.

Yes.  The spdif device must also support 44.1KHz 16-bit audio or
squeezeslave will not list the device in -L.

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