bpa;531003 Wrote: 
> No - it is written in Java so if Java runs on your PC then it should run
> OK - however it may be slow.
> It would be better to describe the symptoms of your problem rather your
> diagnosis.
> Not sure if the headless question is related to the coprocessor one.
> Softqueeze will run headless but the Java libraries requires an Xserver
> to be running even though the display is not used.

bpa: Thank a lot! The background of my question is: I would like to
integrate a player in my SqueezePlug project. SqueezePlug runs on
SheevaPlug. SheevaPlug uses an ARM-Processor without a Coprocessor, so
I can't use SqueezeSlave. SheevaPlug is a complete headless device
running debian. On SqueezePlugVM (virtual SqueezePlug on PC) I use
SqueezeSlave and it works great. So I'm searching for a player working
on a SheevaPlug.



SBS 7.4.2 on SqueezePlug, Squeezebox Duet
Thecus N4100 pro NAS,
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