snarlydwarf;547253 Wrote: 
> Add in that even if they tossed a million hours into development time,
> they are really against the bar on features they can add in the limited
> resources of the Boom and other ip3k devices.  Just not enough
> memory/flash/cpu to do much more.

Besides that, since IP3K players do hardly anything on their own
without a server there aren't many things that would have to go into
the player firmware.

Things that won't get implemented now:

- change the WOL behaviour so that you don't have to press the Power
button twice (first to wake up the server, then wait until the server
is up, and then again to actually turn on the player)
- allow entering of a stream URL even when not connected to any server
(probably WONTFIX anyway because they want you to use
- allow entering of the actual WPA key (64 hex digits) instead of a

and that's about it. I just thought of another one, but it slipped my
mind before I could write it down, so probably it wasn't that
important. ;)

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