florca;547902 Wrote: 
> My experience is that it all works really well with the revised WQVGA
> skin from 3guk, but the audio output quality is noticeably worse than
> an SB3 through the same amp / speakers - and the Touch is supposed to
> have a better DAC / analogue stage than the SB3! So really good as a
> casual Clock Radio type of device but worth buying a Touch if the sound
> quality is important.
I wondered about this. In theory attaching a decent-quality USB audio
interface could resolve this issue, but obviously it becomes a
less-cheap alternative to a Touch.


*bedroom:* squeezebox boom; *study:* squeezebox 3; *lounge:*
squeezeslave; *conservatory/garden:* squeezebox receiver; *anywhere:*
squeezebox controller
'last.fm' (http://www.last.fm/user/buggle52)
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