mortslim;549359 Wrote: 
> Well this will incorporate the squeezebox space.  It won't replace a
> squeezebox, it will just be another way to get the squeezebox features.
> Just look at it as another model in the squeezebox line.
> Think of this new device as similar to a squeezebox duet receiver, in
> other words, a squeezebox without a screen.  Since this new device is
> intended to meld with a TV as a TV set top box, the screen will be the
> TV itself.  On the TV screen you will see all your familiar squeezebox
> features, from Pandora to Rhapsody to Shoutcast, etc.  Just think of
> the TV as a big screen to view your music choices.  On the TV screen
> you can pick what you want to listen to.
> The audio will be pumped out of both analog and digital audio outs on
> the back of the Logitech TV Box just like on the back of any squeezebox
> product now existing today.  Nothing new here.  The only difference is
> that instead of a screen on the device or on a separate controller, the
> screen will be the TV.
> Now, you may ask, how do I control this?  Simple:  You'll have three
> basic choices - you can buy a Logitech Harmony remote, of which there
> are several models to pick from, and thus use this remote to navigate
> around the TV screen to make your choices.  Or, you can use the
> included mini remote controller if you don't want to splurge for a
> separate optional Harmony remote.  The included mini remote will be
> similar to the small remote you get with a squeezebox boom today.  It
> does the trick for getting what you want without the luxury.  Finally,
> you can use your android phone as your controller.  There will be a
> free "app" which Logitech will have available on launch date for the
> Logitch TV Box which you can download to your android phone and just
> use the touchscreen of your android phone to control your choices of
> music.
> Oh, you want the launch date?  Ok, here it is: September 22, 2010 if
> all goes according to current plans.  This will give enough time for
> the ecosystem of hardware and software to flow as one and also to get
> the android 2.2 operating system into the hands of developers and have
> a lot of apps available on launch date.  (At the moment, everyone is
> using android version 2.1)
> What apps you may ask?  Well, we are talking about say Rhapsody porting
> over to the Logitech TV Box their excellent android app now available
> for android phones.  So basically you can see the app on your TV screen
> instead of on your phone.
> Now, you may ask, I like the like the idea of using my android phone to
> control the Logitech TV box but I want to put it somewhere connected to
> my great stereo setup but not to a TV.  Can I do this?  Of course.  The
> android app that will be available for your phone will control the
> Logitech TV Box even when it is not connected to a TV, but just
> connected to an amp or stereo receiver or powered speakers.

Where did you get this information?  I didn't see it anywhere in the
link provided above.


Setup: 2 SB3s, 4 Booms, 1 Duet, 1 Receiver, 1 Touch.  SuSE 11.0 Server
running SqueezeBoxServer 7.5.0, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave.  
Current library stats: 33,060 songs, 2,656 albums, 484 artists.
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