> Let's hear from Slim, and not all of you 'purists'.


Don't count on a reply from anyone at Slim regarding your question. 
They are pretty tight lipped about new products and generally don't
make any promises about the what/when of new non-existent features. 
For the record, I completely understand this strategic decision as it
protects the business by not obliterating current sales.  Imagine, if
Sean announced today that in 3 months "feature z" would be available...
new customers on the verge of making a purchase would postpone and Slim
would be left holding unsellable (or highly discountable) inventory. 
I've seen other businesses go under because of announcements like this.
Unfortunately, the flip side of this policy coin is that the consumer
is making a blind decision and feels all of the purchase risk once the
30-day return window has elapsed.  If "feature z" comes out at day 31
and requires new hardware to support it, you are "screwed."  It might
not seem fair, but it is... just the rules of the game.

Personally, I'd like Slim to be around for awhile so I accepted this
risk.  I bought 3 SB1's perhaps a bit early and patiently waited for a
few "critical" features that I assumed would eventually be available
(because they were being discussed in the forums).  Unfortunately, my
assumption was wrong... I need to upgrade to SB2's to use the features
I've waited so long for.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter, just a
bit disappointed in myself that I didn't postpone my decision until the
features I really wanted were actually available.  I love the product
(even without these things), but the lesson I learned is don't buy
unless you believe the current product suits your needs/wants/desires
as-is... any new features that come along are just icing on the cake.

As for me, I am not upgrading because I can't justify the additional
investment for the features in question.  I'll wait for Slim's (or a
competitor's ?) next generation product and determine at that time if
there is something I just can't live without.  If you really
need/want/desire Yahoo Unlimited Music DRM support, I'd suggest you
wait until you see it on the current feature list (I assume the DRM
would require new hardware).  Of course, if you have a decent sized
music collection already, there is a lot of listening enjoyment that
you may miss out on in the meantime.

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