The Moog;549607 Wrote: 
> OK guys,
> I seem to have got Squeezeplayer running of a fashion, but can seem to
> get either the desktop shortcut or the application skin working
> properly with large buttons and correctly sized artwork (still all
> small and in the top corner). It is sooo close to being usable!
> Could someone help out a ubuntu noob and post a disk image for the
> Joggler with all Squeezeplayer and all of the fixes and skins correctly
> installed, and a shortcut sat on the desktop?
> Many thanks,
> The Moog

Well, I can't upload a complete image because there are lots of
personal details in there, but here is the archive of the complete
squeezeplay folder with the working joggler skin.
Just extract the contents to a squeezeplay folder in the /opt folder of
your joggler.

In terms of getting the icon on your desktop i dont think i can do
better than these instructions:

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