After trying to train my primary customer (spouse) on the Squeezebox
with various interfaces (Presets on Radio, SB Controller, Ipeng) I keep
coming back to what I think would be a killer usability feature:  Voice
Command for the Squeezebox platform.

I saw an old thread that someone had played around with this at one
point (2008) but haven't seen much about it recently.  Anyone else
think that this would be a worthwhile feature?

I believe the new Iphones have something similar... we've all used
voice command to make phone calls on various platforms... Microsoft has
the Sync software in Ford vehicles.  Voice Command works without
training lately, so it's something that could really be something easy
for users.

It doesn't even have to be too complicated - I'm looking for commands
like:  "Playlist Shane Favorites Random", "Skip Track", "Mute All",
"Sync All Players", "Play Artist Pink Floyd", "Play Album Dark Side of
the Moon", etc.

For some simple and common commands, Voice Command would be much faster
than navigating menus, no matter how well presented those menus are.

In some threads like this, there's always someone that comes up with
examples of how a certain keyword in a song would cause undesired
behavior "What if they say 'stop' in the song??" but on any of these
systems there is usually a button press or something similar that can
easily distinguish a command from normal background noise or music.

I think Voice Command continues to get better and better - someday I
would love to see some way to run Squeezebox this way...


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