PencilNeckGeek;555413 Wrote: 
> So if it isn't the volume control in i-Tunes then what else could it be?
> Would the volume control in Windows be the culprit to adding these tags?
> If it isn't Windows altering the tags either then you would be correct
> in stating that I certainly don't understand what is happening here.
> One thing I know for sure is that all volume leveling is turned off in
> i-Tunes preferences and it was the only piece of software (Excluding
> Windows OS, of course)involved in getting the CD data into a .wav
> format.

What difference does it even make?  If replay gain is turned off (the
default setting) for the player playing these files then it's not
applied.  It's just a piece of data that is ignored.

The WAV files probably don't have any tags.  Information in iTunes
about the files would be in iTunes' database, not file tags.


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