There are two things on my mind related to the additional real estate
available on the iPad.

Browsing/Selecting by album art  -  I'm very visual and when I browse
as opposed to look for something specific I do it in a very visual
Lots of big album art and not so much text.

What room am I controlling? -  For the women of the world that will use
this new iPad app
(thanks to the iPad form factor and ease of use that number has the
potential to go way up)
I need to know what I'm controlling at a glance rather than dig/slid
through pages
and pages to see if I'm inadvertently going to turn the music on or up
in another room. Most of us will put up with making that mistake but
of women will just consider it not easy enough, not usable.

|Filename: iPAD-Squeezecontrol.jpg                                  |

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