Martin_Edney;571110 Wrote: 
> Occasionally (once or twice every few hours) playback stops in the
> middle of a song, for something like 30 seconds to 1 minute or more,
> and then picks up again where it left off.

I've been having trouble with this as well, both with a dedicated
Ubuntu server and with a different server running virtualized Ubuntu
against the same library under Vista.  On weekends, I use Dynamic
Playlists, Custom Skip and TrackStat to play "Never Played Albums" all
night long with a fairly large list of genres to skip.  At several
points during the night I was having trouble with random pauses and,
more recently, trouble with an album playing, stopping at the end and
not moving on to another album.

For various reasons too boring to explain, I move some of my
directories around between two NASes, which of course screws up the
TrackStat data.  The new bit of fun where a new album wouldn't get
added to the list got me to suspect that this was part of the problem.

So yesterday I used the virtualized-under-Vista server as a test and

1. Imported my TrackStat backup from the main Linux server (the one I
use most commonly).

2. Did a complete clear and rescan of the database

3. Went into TrackStat settings and selected "Delete unused statistic",
which wipes out TrackStat data for files that no longer exist.

I never woke up to silence during the night and when I woke up for real
this morning I still had's only been one night, so I can't
swear that I fixed the problem, but I *suspect* that my TrackStat data
was sufficiently out of touch with reality to cause a problem.  My last
trackstat backup file prior to the cleanup was 30,686,088 megabytes. 
The file that was created last night was down to 28,756,471 megabytes,
so a couple megs of obsolescence got dumped.

Of course, I could be completely insane and Erland doesn't know whether
to laugh or cry at my ignorance.

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