jamesg1979;595001 Wrote: 
> Thanks a lot Christian, I'll give it a go tomorrow evening (on my works
> Christmas doo tonight!).
> I'll consider WPA if I get this working in the first instance.
> In terms of your question about hex values/string, I'm afraid I don't
> really know the answer to that. :( How would one find out?

Take a look at your router config page, there should be a note if you
should enter the key as hex or string. (This is only important for WEP,
WPA always uses a passphrase *string*.)

The difference is this:
Any character of the WEP key is encoded as ASCII value.

I.e. the character "A" is encoded as hex value "41", "B" is "42"...
So a string "ABCDE" is represented as hex values "41 42 43 44 45".

On the other hand, the character "4" is encoded as hex value "34".
So the *string* "4142434445" would be encoded as "34 31 34 32 34 33 34
34 34 35".

Anyway, for WPA, just use a string like "This Is My Password".
Set it in your router (*without* the quotes) and set it in Net::UDAP
with the command
set ... wireless_wpa_psk="This Is My Password" ...
(*with* the quotes).



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