I'm having a bit of a problem with squeezeslave; I get drop outs of
several seconds or more. It can happen several times in ten minutes and
then not at all for a few hours.

I'm running squeezeslave on a WinXP box with 2M memory (usually about
1.3 in use) with an Athlon II processor. Output is via USB to a
Behringer UCA202 using the Beheringer ASIO driver.
Squeezebox server's running on a separate machine (Win2003 server on a
via C7 with 2M memory).
The two machines are connected by wire (gb with a single switch between
the two).
I'm not doing anything in particular when the dropouts happen (no file
transfers, etc).
I switched back to version 09.155 - and get the same dropouts.
I've tried various latency settings with no change (didn't expect one,
but the help did suggest I try this for dropouts).

So - what do I look for in the debug log? Do I need to debug 'all' or
are there a few areas that I'd ought to start out looking at? 9I was
thinking maybe slimaudio_buffer and slimaudio_buffer_v(?)) Are debug
writes handled asynchronously or could I be causing even more problems
with debug 'all'?

Any other suggestions?

Oh - and I don't have any issues with either of the V3 hardware players
in the house (both also hard wired).


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