For anyone else looking at this, the MySQL link got mangled, it's
there were several win flavors. I went with MySQL 'essentials'.

SQLyog looks pretty good, but it's a 30 day free trial. Maybe not the
best fit for something I'd use a few times a year.
There's a "top 10" list of MySQL GUI clients 'here'
Personally, I'm familiar with PHPMyAdmin, but I'm unexcited about
installing Apache and PHP on this box.
I ended up using HeidiSQL (does all I need: create db, create
user/password, assign rights to that user on that db)

With the prefs file modified, SBS 7.54 starts right up.
Time to mess with performance. :)

One question: what to do with the SqueezeMySQL service? I just left it
set to 'disabled' but I may have missed something cleaner.

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