RichardH;610399 Wrote: 
> I have got another newbie question.  I am up and running with SC on my
> droid x, and everything is great.  I have configured SqueezeCommander
> with the MAC address for my server, and WOL is working fine as it will
> power up my server if it is off.
> The question I have is can I turn off (or sleep) the server from
> SqueezeCommander?  If so, how.
> Edit:
> Just to clarify, I have server power control installed on my duet
> controller, and using that I can both turn off and restart my server
> running vortexbox.  With the squeezecommander I can turn on the server,
> but I don't know how to turn it off.  Maybe it doesn't have this
> capability?

ServerPowerControl plugin will probably work in the next version
Right now, there's no way to turn your server off within



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