I'll second Jim's thanks and add that in my home I have four SB3's two
SB2's and two SB radios.  I recently shifted SBS from my WHS machine to
a 17w self-built VortexBox appliance.  Our system is controlled by our
Android phones via Squeeze Commander, by iPeng on iPod Touches and we
do also use the old fashioned SB2/3 IR remotes.  I've installed
Squeezeboxes into a handfull of friends homes and they are very happy
as well.  

Where there is still work to be done is that the product is quite a bit
harder than Sonos for a non-techie to install and enjoy.  I believe
Logitech recognizes this and hope they are dedicating resources to
improve the platform.  Personally, I love the ability to customize and
do all sorts of cool stuff that is not possible on a Sonos, but the
everage user wants to plug it in and have it just work.  I hope for the
sake of continued success for the product line that Logitech is able to
broaden the user base while simultaneously keeping the techie user base


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