strindberg;628159 Wrote: 
> A question: the fourth screen shot of Squidget in Market shows a list of
> albums (Solaris, Dub Experience II, Refuge etc). What have you pressed
> to see such a list?

That's me listening to my dynamic playlist (by Erland) called 'Top
rated songs not recently played'. I presses the playlist button to show
it (the icon that looks like a notebook / writing pad).

Some other tricks you can do when you open the playlist is to tap a
song and jump to it, or long click to remove a song from the playlist.

If you are not familiar with it I assume you always listen to internet
radio right?

Also try pressing the now playing album cover art. That will pop a list
of albums by the artist now playing.


PS - It's Polaris not Solaris


Squidget - Android SqueezeBox Widget
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