Sent a link to your address. Smallest file I could find was 35MB.

FWIW: if I enable bitrate limiting, then it works fine. That's a little 
surprising to me, as it should trigger the same actions as transcoding (as only 
mp3 is supported).


Am 29.04.2011, 06:54 Uhr, schrieb bluegaspode 

> mherger;628218 Wrote:
>> One more thing I observed while using our Controller app: when
>> controlling SqueezePlayer I would get the volume popup when using the
>> volume buttons, which usually doesn't happen in our app. Is your app
>> pushing it to the screen, or is this Android handling it? I'm also
>> wondering as you might need to somehow intercept the volume handler, as
>> it needs to report back to the server too.
> Android pops up the volume indicator when you change the volume.
> The App also intercepts the current volume to send it to the server.
> Can you send me one of the trouble FLAC to my gmail Account?


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