Ok i have spent some time examining the SBS code, and performed a more
controled Ethereal session.

The SDS code would appear to be event driven and should therefore only
respond to incoming requests either from an SBS device or the webUI. 
Disconectiong The devices:

SBS is quiet until ARP goes stale and it starts an ARP Bcast loop
(enough to keep the ds211 awake I suspect.

Disconect SBS

Devices do multiple req for resend, give up and fall into ARP loop

On reconection:

ARP exchange happens
And the devices sent TCP to the SBS and do so for ever, once again this
will keep the ds211 awake I susspect

What I dont know is if the ds211 hibernates the disks when there are no
writes and allows network acticity or wants an idle system before

I will run the syno_hibernate_debug_tool overnight with only the SB
devices attached and see what happens



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