I use the Custom Browse menu for new albums. For me it shows the albums
in the order I added them to SBS. It is a bit slow on my setup though.
I had to limit it to 200 albums to get it to show at all and still it
sometimes chokes SBS.

You could also import your SBS database into muso. Muso has a nice view
where you can have the albums sorted by date added (a-z or z-a) the way
you want to (and you can suppress single file albums, for example, from
showing up if you like). 

I still keep the standard new music menu to check that any tag changes
I make are picked up by SBS.


2 x SB3 (wired), Receiver (wired), Boom (wireless), Controller, iPeng on
iPhone 4 & iPad, muso on remote computer running Win 7 64-bit | 7.5.4 on
Win XP
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