Hi Roy,

Thanks for the reply. I am not trying to sync the ipeng player with the
vortexbox player.

Here is my setup.

Server: VortexBox SqueezeBox Server
Clients: iPeng IPhone App and SqueezeBox Duet

I disabled the vortexbox player for good measure.

Both the Duet and the iPeng iphone app have no issue when running
independently.  Just together.  So maybe it is as you say that there is
an issue syncing the IPeng software player with the Duet hardware.

It's kind of a bummer because the only added benefit of the Duet is the
optical out, because the Duet's remote doesn't compare to the iPeng
interface (although the Duet remote is nice for guests who just want to
turn up/down the volume or skip to the next song).

I still think there must be a way to trouble shoot.  I checked the
server logs and they are empty, but I don't see where I can change the
log settings (to verbose or something of the like).


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