Thanks for the link, aubuti. I had forgotten about that URL.

The .rpm link posted earlier by Ron (Vortexbox site) works with my
Fuduntu rig. (Fedora core 14 based distro.) Thanks, Ron!

In reference to pablolie's comment, I also recommend Ubuntu (or an
Ubuntu derivative such as Mint Linux) to someone new to Squeezebox that
wishes to set up a Linux server.

Ubuntu is probably the path of least resistance. Nothing wrong with
using Windows or Mac OSX for that matter. Other Linux/UNIX
distributions are going to take much more work. I'm not sure it is
worth it.

I agree with some of what Phil says about feature bloat. Nothing wrong
with Perl though -- that's bollocks. From what I've seen on other
threads, Phil's library is huge, probably four standard deviations away
from a typical use case.

That doesn't excuse Logitech's many ongoing stumbles. But face it, a
company's goal is moving more products, not ensuring the happiness of a
limited community of hackers.


Heh, heh. It said: # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE.
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