I tried removing the wireless card - no joy.  Re-installed it - no joy. 
Dead; deceased; no more.....

But I'm keeping it, against the day when / if the wireless card fails
on the other one.

I do like my new Touch.  But I do notice it seems to have 25% less
volume available than the old SB.  And its menu system is - at the
least - quirky.




SqueezeCenter Version: 7.6.1 - r33110 (was: 7.5.3 - r31792), Classic
Web UI, under Win7 Home Premium 64-bit, #7600 (Was Vista). 
Music Library on external USB HDD.
1 x SB3, wireless. (Firmware 137)
1 x Touch, wireless. (Firmware: 7.6.1-r9486)
Controller: 7.6.1-r9482 (was: 7.5.3-r9377)
2 x SB Radios: 7.6.1-r9482 (was: 7.5.1-r9218)

LinkSys WRT54GS Router, WPA2 USA; or Sagem Livebox 2FR (depending where
I am....)
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