Just got an Android-based phone (Droid 3 to be specific), and looking
through threads here it seems to me that the favored app is Squeeze
Commander. However, I've also seen references to this app being
orphaned, possibly no longer supported, and potentially problematic. I
also get the impression that the "official" Logitech SB app for Android
is not too highly thought of. Opinions on others seem to vary (as
opinions always do).

I have no objection to paying for an app, but wouldn't like to pay for
one that isn't going to work very well. So for anyone who has been down
the road with Android, I'd like to hear comments on which app(s) you
use, and which ones to stay away from.

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=90494

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