I'd suggest starting with some basic WiFi troubleshooting.

Some very basic WiFi tweaks (1-5 require admin access to your router to
try these simple changes):
1.  use a unique SSID name (name of your network/router)
2.  if using a G WiFi:  set WiFi to G only (turns off a & b modes)
3.  if using an N WiFi: set to G Compatibility mode (if using G
4.  change the broadcast channel to the least used channel near you
5.  choose only channels 1 or 6 or 11 (or 13 if available)
6.  router and WiFi antenna orientation adjustments can help signal
7.  keep router away from other electronic devices (cordless phones,
ISP modem, computers)
8.  reboot WiFi router every once in a while (once a month is usually

If your WiFi network card software already gives the ch numbers and the
signal strength of all nearby networks, that's all you need.  But there
are free programs like NetStumbler if needed.

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