)p(;683360 Wrote: 
> it only imports the first genreHmmm... until I read your post, I always 
> thought that just as a track
can only have one title, it could also only have one genre and one
album name; but by contrast it could have multiple artists ... but it
seems I was wrong! I just read the UPnP specification again, and I see
that it does indeed allow multiple entries for artist, genre, and album
(but not for title !). It is amazing what one can learn each day! 

)p(;683360 Wrote: 
> I have my genres separated with a ";"
> ie Classical;Classical - Violin ConcertoThis raises a question about how the 
> SBS scanner handles complex genre
tags containing multiple items. As far as artists are concerned, SBS
has a "separator character for multiple items" so if a track has a
complex artist tag like "fred<s>joe" (where <s> is the separator
character) the scanner will split that tag into two artist entries in
the database. Does the SBS scanner handle complex genre tags in the
same way, using the same separator character? Or does a track with a
complex genre tag like "rock<s>classical" remain unsplit as a single
entry in your SBS database?

If the SBS scanner treats complex genre tags in the exact same way as
it treats complex artist tags, then it is a trivial matter to implement
multiple genre entries in the Whitebear UPnP ContentDirectory. But if
complex genre tags have a different handling than complex artists tags,
it would require Whitebear to somehow read your mind about your chosen
personal encoding scheme for complex genre tags...



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