froth;690904 Wrote: 
> The biggest issue I have with the squeeze line is ease of use for techo
> neofites. My system is sold, little to no issues all rooms using
> wireless with a wireless infrastructure that has N based devices and
> extenders.  Even my microwave no longer causes disruptions in the
> kitchen setup.
> The problem comes when the wife wants to use the system beyond presets
> I have put on a boom in the kitchen for her or the favorites I have
> created.
> We use iPeng on ipod and iphones to control the system.  So to me the
> interface is good and easy to use.  She still has troubles, the kids
> not so much but they do say things are much easier to do when playing
> music from their ithing docked in a base.  In fact, often if they are
> in a room with a boom, instead of just using ipeng to play what they
> want, they will connect their ithing to the external input into the
> boom and play right from their ithing.  I hate that as for the most
> part we keep everything on the server and then when they want to update
> their ithing they have a way to easily add the music to their ithing
> from the server.
> For the wife if I know she is doing something and will want certain
> rooms synced, I predo that for her and then ask her what she will want
> to play for music so I can easily put the sources there for her such as
> streaming from Sirius XM or playlists from our large library.  So I end
> up being the DJ so to speak just so she does not get frustrated, go to
> the basement and unboxes thousands of CD's and go old school.
> In some ways I believe we need a very simple interface offering basic
> features to make this easy on the people who are not technical.  For
> example, a sync interface where is actually tells you what to do on the
> infterface to sync devices in very easy terms and steps.  iPeng is close
> but not close enough so my wife can easily figure it out.

I agree and think its frustrating for us SB enthusiasts, we have an
excellent system that delivers so much functionality and music,
multi-room, multi-service etc. etc., yet I've often had conversations
with people who just aren't interested and happy to stick with ipod in
a dock producing a basic sound, I've learnt now just to let it go, safe
in the knowledge that my system is much more suited for my needs

My girlfriend does use the system via iPeng, she knows what to do
however isn't a massive music listener compared to me (prefers to have
the TV on as background noise which drives me mad!), however she will
listen to BBC radio, playlists, albums if needed so she knows what to
do, she likes the benefits when some of her friends come round and I'll
put on one of the dynamic playlists (e.g. 80s pop!) - however she also
is quick to mock my 'geek' system, haha

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