If they do release any new Squeezebox devices they need a major rebrand.
Completely drop the name 'Logitech' from the device and marketing and
relaunch as a completely standalone brand, with a dedicated
Squeezebox.com site and no association to Logitech at all. That's the
only way HiFi enthusiasts will start showing an interest again. I know
it's more complicated than that, some proper investment would help too,
but seriously Logitech; you are a great brand (well you bought some
great brands; Harmony, Ultimate ears et al) but you are in no way cool,
interesting or synonymous with high quality audio equipment.


Cheers, auto.

*lounge:* squeezebox 3, squeezebox controller, cambridge audio 640a,
mission 701's *kitchen:* squeezebox touch, trends ta-10.1, kef cresta
1's. *bedroom:* squeezebox boom *bathroom/garden:* squeezebox radio
*car:* ipod classic 80gb *portable:* iphone 3gs 32gb (+ipeng)
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