I agree, I made debugging more complicated by trying numerous things to
get it working again, however, something created the initial problem,
which I guess was a problem with the AAC feed for that particular BBC
station. I then started changing and just confused things. Either that,
or one time when I selected the favorite I had stored on the radio
button wasn't for the iPlayer, the Squeezeplay wasn't started, and not
synced and the WMA feed was started and then when I started the
squeezeplay and it tried to sync. Whatever, my apologies.

I appreciate the clarifications and help I got here on the use of the
SqueezePlay software with the readyNAS. That helps my understanding.

So here is what I've done. Cleared the favorite for the BBC from the
server; cleared the favorite from the SB Radio.
Got the BBC London channel playing on the Squeezeplay, via the iPlayer
app running on the ReadyNas. Created a favorite on for it on the
Synced the touch, radio, boombox to the Squeezeplay and now everything
has been working for 36-hours or so.

One final question. The iPlayer app has an option for AAC > FlashAAC >
FlashMP3 > WMA - as a non-UK user, should I change this to  AAC >
FlashAAC thus ensuring a WMA stream is never started and so I'll always
be able to sync, or will get nothing?

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