db122 wrote: 
> This is dependent on server version. I believe it works for current
> server versions, but may fail on some older ones. There is some logic in
> place to maintain support for older servers, but the cutoff may not be
> exact or there may be more than two sets of behaviors necessary. 
> Please file a bug with your specific version requests and I'll
> definitely try to get things working. I simply cannot test every
> possible version of the software, so if you're not running current then
> that's the price you pay.... :-)

OK, that's good to know.  

I'm running 7.5.5, so I'm not running something that is anceint by any
means.  I rely on my squeezebox setup and I've learned to only upgrade
to the newest version for compelling reasons.  All too often there are
issues.  So there's a price for running what is current.... :-).

If you could make it work with 7.5.5, that would be awesome.  If not,
then I'll wait until this feature not working bothers me enough to take
a chance on the current version of squeezebox server.


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