pablolie wrote: 
> .
> The people that used to have over a thousand CDs and hundreds of albums
> and cared for them lovingly, and played them on equipment they had
> emotional attachment to... you find a lot of them in these forums, but
> they weren't the majority 25 years ago nor will they ever be. 

This is a really good point, and one I haven't thought about before you
mentioned it. Since I started buying records in the 70s, I can think of
very few people who amassed large collections of music. They listened to
the radio, and had 10-20 albums, max. Maybe a larger collection of
singles (particularly when we were kids). Most folks cared about what
was popular in the moment, and they could get their fix from whatever
commercial station they fancied. You only became a collector if the
radio didn't meet your need, whether it be eclectic stuff, deep cuts,

Today's music consumer may not really be that much different.
Subscription services may be more appealing to them, but that would only
be the case (I think) if they can't find what they like on free radio.
In any event, if Squeezebox is going to survive in the Logitech world it
will have to tap into how the broader audience consumes music
nerds won't support the growth a public company needs. 

I just hope they find a way to do it and keep us nerds happy, too.

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