Wariole wrote: 
> Temporary workaround: if you disable your network connection just before
> starting SqueezePlay and re-enable it just after that, you will force
> the use of your system audio instead of any airplay device available on
> the network.
> This "workaround" works for me on OS X 10.8 and SqueezePlay 7.7.2r9599.
> Hope this little bug will be fixed soon.

Too bad this workaround doesn't work for me because the connection with
my nas is lost. And squeezeplay stops working.

Adding some info: i disconnected my Apple tv to give this a try and
found that next in line is my Pioneer AirPlay Reciever. So local sound
on my iMac still not possible. :-(
Hopefully this is solved soon. Seems simple, but simple things can be

Regards, Don

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