Well, my usage of my squeezeboxes is variable.

- The Squeezebox Radio in the bedroom is almost exclusively used to
listen to BBC Radio streams, and only occasionally other streams or my
music collection.
- The Squeezebox Radio in the kitchen is used for BBC Radio, but also to
stream my music (more so than the bedroom SBR)
- The Squeezebox Touch connected to the HiFi is principally used for
playing the music collection, and only occasionally for playing radio
stations. (I also have an SB3 recently replaced by the Touch).

So, for me, I will puddle along until such time as the SBRs can no
longer receive the radio streams I like. Since I don't use MSB.com, this
would likely be a consequence of LMS plugins not being updated to match
changes to the radio streams. At that point I might convert the SBRs to
the new UE version (I think this is a firmware upgrade). But I will keep
the Touch going as a music player via LMS. The new UE Server is not
suitable for me, as I need to run it on a Linux NAS at the moment.


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