This is not what I was expecting when I heard plans were being made for
more audio products.  I had thought that this would be advancements in
the product line and not  step back.

After reading most posts in the forums and doing a web review of the new
product pitch I believe Logitec is really focusing on the mass market of
people who just want simplistic playback capabilities from their mobile
devices and to provide some music services.  Many of the consumers of
these products can care less about syncing, hi def music and using a
home audio (stereo) to listen to their music.

I will continue to use my squeezes as they are, I dont use mysqueezebox
anyway and music services available for use in Canada are almost non
existant due to the laws in Canada.  I rely on my own large selection of
music and internet radio.  I have various copies of LMS archived and
will insure I keep saving any later updates to LMS so that once it is
done being supported and updated I will have many years before I have to
consider any music system changes.  That is provided my squeeze HW holds

I will look to pick up spares as they become available if the price is

So for me, it is not good news to hear that this is being done but my
squeeze installation should be around for many many years.  And by then
things should have changed in the tech world and it may be time to

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