If you want to see how a mass-market product is, well, marketed, look at
the iPod, iPhone and iPad.  Look at most people's music collection in
iTunes.  Then imagine (or verify) how that would play out with SB. 
Collectors (us/we) are a rare breed and always have been, it doesn't
matter what decade you look to, 50's, 60's, etc.

I don't believe Logitech have the required design talent in the
positions required, or with the power, to make this happen.  At least
they have not until today.  Besides mice and keyboards, their most
mass-market product is the Harmony series of remotes, which in my
opinion, while they have used their distribution experience/leverage to
move and promote the product, they have not made it any better.  They
have no engineered a better mouse trap than the one they acquired.  The
same can be said for Squezebox.  Logitech have not made any significant
changes to improve the product since they acquired the technology.  The
remote have done well for them, but could be a lot better.  Squeezebox
has apparently not done so well and we all know could be much better as

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