gorman wrote: 
> pippin, apart from UI considerations, what's the current state on these
> features?
No new features... well, except one carryover from iPad... in this
> 1) Replaygain
> 2) Crossfade
That's the same thing. It's a bit of a tradeoff, it will make other
things worse, we are considering it....
> 3) Playback of different formats (FLAC, Ogg, etc., giving MP3 and AAC
> for granted)
??? All of these have always worked natively in iPeng. The only one that
doesn't (and never will) is WMA. No other formats are supported by the
server so there is no point in supporting them in iPeng. OK, mp2, but
that's so backwards and rarely used that we are not going to do our own
codec implementation just for that. Transcode it.

> 4) Caching of songs for mobile use with the playback function (similar
> to what iSub does with Subsonic)

You can't do it like that with the Squeezebox server, would have to have
a server instance running on the device.

I want to do a local caching/syncing, but that's a HUGE amount of work
and there are still other things to be done before that. Unfortunately,
it's not as simple as with Android, where you can just throw it into the
device's own library.

With Subsonic, the whole system implementation is made for remote
access, with the Squeezebox, it's not. One example: it's a total PIA to
setup the stream again in the same place (and has a <50% chance of
succeeding) once you lose the control connection to the server, making
too much caching pointless.
So an offline mode will require a completely separate playback and
control logic and that in turn means you need additional information you
don't process when using the server.
It's really a different player then.

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