A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=96660
Question: Would you buy a new Squeezebox player if it became available?
- Yes , if less than $100 
- Yes, if less than $200 
- Yes, if less than $500 
- Yes, if less than $1000 
- Yes - price is no object; I just want the best sound 
- No - I would NOT buy another Squeezebox player

I was close to buying one or two Squeezebox Touch-es when the
announcement came out, but instead of locking myself in to the
Squeezebox hardware I've instead picked up an iPod touch, which I'll use
with iPeng in a mini-hifi-with-dock in the kitchen, and resurrected my
old G3 Powerbook on which I'll use Squeezeslave (thanks for the
G3-compatible build, ralphy!) in the living room. But the Powerbook only
has a headphone output socket, so I won't be getting optimum sound
quality out of that - I'm no audiophile, 16/44.1 is fine for me and the
hi-fi isn't anything special, but I'm guessing I might notice the
difference with something better. 

If there was some indication of ongoing support and development on the
Squeezebox/LMS ecosystem, I might be prepared to pay a Squeezebox Touch
sort of price for a Squeezebox Touch sort of player. But then again, the
web interface via the Powerbook is perfectly OK, so I could make do with
a cheaper, headless audio receiver. Sort of like the Airport Express, in

Meanwhile in the kitchen, getting up to use the iPod in its dock to
change tracks is OK, but if there was a small, cheap, headless audio
receiver I could plug in to the hi-fi then I could pick up the iPod and
just use it as a remote. Something sort of like the Airport Express, in

It's possible for third party software to stream to AirPlay hardware -
Rogue Amoeba's Airfoil does. If I wanted to keep Squeezebox/LMS going as
a home-server-based multi-room-capable audio solution then what I'd look
at is how to get it to play to Airplay as well as to hardware and/or
software Squeezebox players. I don't know if synchronisation would be
good, or even possible, but it would at least solve the problem of
Logitech no longer making the kind of hardware that some of us want. And
I realise it wouldn't satisfy the audiophiles who want 24/192 or
whatever the current state of the art is, but I think we've already
agreed that's a niche within a niche, and if some of you are prepared to
pay over $500 for it then someone in their back room ought to be able to
make a living out of filling it :-)

nekomatic's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=57325
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=96660

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