Jylppy wrote: 
> OK, I had this option set, but I used long press since that is the way
> how it works elsewhere. There is no option "play album" when doing long
> press for a track. For sake of consistency that could be added to the
> list?
One of SqueezePads main philosophies is to stick with the original menus
of a Squeezebox, to not confuse users who switch devices (i.e. sometime
directly use the Radio or Touch, sometimes use SqueezePad)
So for consistency reasons I won't add an artificial menu item.

> Now I know that clicking one track in a album plays the whole album
> since my setting. I still propose to improve the usability of Squezepad
> by enabling album/artist/genre/etc/ playback by clicking/long pressing
> the album title. Using that as "home" function is bit illogical  -
> especially since there is a home button.
Yes - this tapping the whole bar is from the very early days of
SqueezePad when there was no home button. I might consider adding a
context menu to that bar indeed. 

> Another cool improvement would be skip next/previous track by flicking
> the album art left/right in the "currently playing" album art-view.
> That's the way it works in Spotify and native Music app.
I'm not a big fan of gestures, that are not explained by some App
tutorial (which in turn I also don't like as people tend to forget what
is said in tutorials, when they use more than 1 App). 
Already 25% (gut feeling) already don't find the context menus with a
long press as I can see from support requests. (Android UI guides are
better in this regard by rendering a small corner for context menus
instead of trusting the users to find out about long presses).

I'd guess that less than 5% of users know that flicking the cover in the
Apps you mentioned does anything? 
I heard it the first time today actually.

I'm afraid adding more gestures is not planned right now.

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