castalla wrote: 
> So, is a later 7.8 build available from git ?  Where to look?
The official builds are published on the page I mentioned in previous

If you want latest from git, you would probably have to check it out and
build it yourself, Logitech only publish nightly builds of SqueezePlay,
they never publish official releases, probably because they are afraid
of people using SqueezePlay instead of a real Squeezebox. Due to this, I
suspect they will put pretty low priority on the work to fixing the
build server, the fact that it hasn't been fixed since February also
indicates that this isn't a priority for them. There are some build
instructions in the README.* files found with the source code:
And also some on the wiki:

The Windows Installer package is not redistributable by anybody else
than Logitech, so it's not possible for a third party developer to
distribute this as a binary package. 
The same is also true for the graphics (icons, logos and similar), which
means that a third party developer can't distribute binary version of
just the executable without risking legal actions from Logitech. Of
course, the risk of Logitech suing anyone who makes their users happy
without affecting their profit is probably pretty small, I think there
are Linux binaries available from third parties already, so I guess it's
just a matter of time until someone get frustrated and provides binaries
also for OSX and Windows.

Which OS are you going to run it on ? Windows ? OSX ? Linux ?

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