olive_media wrote: 
> The Olive ONE is actually compatible with almost all passive speakers
> (not just Olive speakers). Here at our San Francisco office we have ONE
> directly connected to B&W 804Ds and B&W CM9s and they sound amazing.

I don't think anyone disputes that this can sound very good. But you
have to keep in mind that folks that have invested tens of thousands of
dollars into Dac/preamp/amp/Speaker home systems are not likely to be
happy about bypassing their beloved Dac/preamp/amp for the internal DAC
and amp of this networked music player.  The fact that you've now added
S/PDIF coax out (so that once *can* feed their own DAC/preamp/amp)
basically solves this issue.  Although many would argue that it would be
nice to have a cheaper unit that does NOT contain the built in amp for
those that don't need the amp.

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