bklaas Wrote: 
> I just posted a v1.3 to here-
> http://benklaas.com/slimserver/
> Tom, I don't see any issue when testing the chrono_by_year sort. Not
> sure what was going on there. Can you give it another try with this new
> version and see if you are still seeing issues?
> #!/ben
Glad to see that you are still hagning around the Slim Community. 
Thanks for updating the code so quickly, but I am still seeing the same
problem.  Here is a summary of what I am seeing. We will use 1995 as the
example since it was a small year.

Here are the only two shows that should get added to the 1995.pls:

Quitting  12/29 Episode 7
Vacations 12/8  Episode 4

Here is the content of the 1995.pls:

Title1=Quitting (12.29.1995)
Title2=Vacations (12.08.1995)
Title3=Poultry Slam '95 (12.01.1995)

This is pretty close, it is just picking up Episode 3 (Poultry Slam
'95) which shouldn't be included and assigning it the url of Episode

Now here is the really odd part, and this may be a new Slimserver bug
with the way it stores playlists in the new database system or it may
be a problem with how the script formats the data, here is how it shows
up in Slimserver 6.2.1:

Home / Browse Playlists / 1995  
Name:   1995            

All Songs       Play    Add to playlist
Quitting (03.07.1996)   Play    Add to playlist
Vacations (02.14.1996)  Play    Add to playlist
Quitting (03.07.1996)   Play    Add to playlist

So you can see that it is not pulling the correct title information
from the playlist(It is getting the beginning of the title for the
first two, but changeing the date, and completely wronge on the third).
However, they do link through to the right url and play fine. 

If you have any ideas, I'd be intersted in hearing them.  You can
confirm that you are not seeing this behaviour on your system?

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