jarrod2750 wrote: 
> As my collection has grown to 24K + songs, the  problem has occurred
> more often.   Would I have any better luck with buying a dedicated NAS
> device?  I'm considering other options other than the touch.

I use a Vortexbox as a server for my Touch and the system works without
problem and is very stable. You can buy a Vortexbox PC ready to go or
you can build your own and download the preconfigured operating system
for free. (I did the latter using a Foxconn Atom-based PC.) 

The use of an external server running LMS is the better way to go IMO.
Many people also use a NAS, but the only catch with those is some models
tend to be underpowered in terms of CPU/RAM capability when it comes to
running LMS. If you go that route, I'd recommend checking the forums to
see which NAS models other users recommend. 

That's the key when it comes to using a Touch. They are a wonderful
player, but some setups work better than others. Instead of reinventing
the wheel, use the forums to find the gear & configurations that have
been most successful for others.

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