downtime wrote: 
> I managed to remove the card, but still no luck reviving the Squeezebox.
> As you can see from the attachment, there is some white discoloration
> around some of the solder points. (I'm not sure about the vocabulary for
> this.) Does that appear to be a problem or was it most likely a result
> of the original production?
> I know this is a little off-topic for this thread and appreciate your
> indulgence.
> Thanks.

Well, that Squeezebox has seen some “service” before. There are some
via’s (= connections between different layers of the PCB) who have been
soldered. The white traces you seen and also the ‘smear’ around some of
the soldering indicate those have been re-soldered. Possibly a previous
owner (?) that also had issues with it. 
Anyway, you could try it with the radio removed. If that doesn’t work
then your SB needs service.

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