bpa wrote: 
> It's a lot a of work if server has to save the audio stream as there
> issues about starting/stopping streams (e.g. different stream
> types/different headers/ time estimation or should all streams be
> transcoded) and also ensuring cross platform.  A few years ago, I worked
> out it would be easy to do "time shift" using VLC to play a stream -
> however there is still a lot of work handling UI (i.e. SB3 and Web UI to
> mapping FFW/REW to VLC) and getting exact time to FFW / REW. Then it was
> complicated by an additional UI of Touch/Radio.

Supose someone have to be really really motivated to do it , maybe not
you :) niether me ,I cant code and my squeezebox use is 10% online 90%
my own files .

OT My online use is actually going up due to the smartmix plugin it is
better than me to find tracks on spotify and deezer who have such boring
interfaces that I do not often bother with them.

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