I only recently discovered the LMS and I am very pleased with all its
features and its nice gui! As there are not many native players around I
started with a Raspberry Pi with squeezelite and my iPhone and various
Android tablets as controller. Besides the Raspberry I have various DLNA
Media Renderer (DMR) and would like to use them as well as audio sinks.
After some search (in fact a really long one...) I found out about
Remote Streaming via the hxxp://<LMS>:9000/stream.mp3 and added an
External URL entry in my MediaTomb DLNA Server to let the DMRs connect
to that http-stream. As soon as it connects a new client shows up on the
LMS and on the associated controllers. But when I started to play music
I thought it is somehow broken, because it only worked when I stopped
and started the stream on the DMR AFTER I started the music. With some
more paitence I found out that everything works fine but with a huge
delay! I have not tested it with my TV or Mediaplayer yet, but with VLC
and MPlayer the delay between hitting the play button in the web
interface and hearing the music is around 70 seconds! Same is for pause
and skip forward key. I would really like to add more DMR to play the
music in different rooms but with 70 seconds delay this is not very
interactive. I think it must have something to do with the serverside
caching, as the delay does not change when I change the player cache. 

Does anybody know how to minimize the delay even or has an idea how to
fix this?

Cheers, Hellg.

HellG's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=59682
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=98602

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