Hi epoch,

Thanks very much for your reply. I have made a bit of progress.
Apologies too, because I realise that folk posting questions, then doing
some of their own problem solving and basic checks must be a pain.

I took the SB1 - it's IP address is by the way, so not the
same as the SBS - and plugged it into a different ethernet extender in a
different location, and it picks up the network and the LMS/SBS fine. 

I've also got it to find the Controller and the 2nd Boom - so all good
as far as the Squeezefamily is concerned. The issue is obviously
something to do with that particular netgear extender.

I'll try netgear support next, but if anyone has any experience with
netgear powerline extenders, I wouldn't mind a hand.

So, as I say, everything's good with the music!



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