Hi all,

Lots of thanks due to everyone. Particularly to Gary - following that
measured shut-down and restart procedure, I now have all the players
back, and the LMS and PC IP addresses are the same. This suggests a big
part of this was my ignorance about starting the router first, and to
use a good Scots word, it just got itself in a fankle dishing out IP
addresses? A couple of the players seemed a little reluctant to switch
over to the 'my music' source, but they did. And the Touch was
'confusing' and seemed to want to start its own version of LMS, but
we're there now.

John - when I got your first message this morning, I did go off and
research DCHP and TCP/IP and other stuff that took me to. Still a bit
cloudy, but I do know a bit more. As I said above, it's a pretty basic
system, with one device as a gateway/router. There is no separate modem.
If the PC is acting as a DCHP server then I certainly wouldn't have set
it up that way knowingly. (I assume it isn't now that things are back to
normal?). But you've given me further clarity on potentially using
static IP address - and that they have to be outside the range of those
the router may allocate. I actually get the impression that the various
IP addresses don't actually change very much anyway over time? If I'm
going to be more comfortable with this in the longer run, I think I do
need to understand a bit more about networking.

Aubuti - thanks for the snipping tool thing. I had tried the print
screen button, but that hadn't worked... but now, I'm armed with a new
tool! That said, I can't get it in here - does it need to get saved as a
picture, then linked to this post? It might not matter at this stage,
but could come in handy when I next come back with some numpty

I wish I knew what had caused it all in the first place though - as I
said at the outset, I switched one player off, and minutes later tried
to turn another one on with no joy.... but... main thing is it's working
for now. Maybe a lease expiry like John's suggested.

So, lots of thanks to all for helping out - I really do appreciate it.
"It's only music" - but it seems to take on a surprising significance
when it isn't working.

I think this looks a lot better than it did a little while ago:

-Logitech Media Server Version: 7.7.3 - 1375965195 @ Mon Aug 12 11:14:33
CUT 2013
Hostname: MacNeill-PB
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Windows 7 - EN - cp1252
Platform Architecture: 8664
Perl Version: 5.14.1 - MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
Total Players Recognized: 6

Library Statistics
Total Images: 64
Total Videos: 0
Total Tracks: 13,199
Total Albums: 1,594
Total Artists: 790
Total Genres: 97
Total Playing Time: 913:30:37

Player Information
Information on all identified devices connected to Logitech Media

Cellar squeezebox
Player Model: Squeezebox
Firmware: 40
Player IP Address:
Player MAC Address: 00:04:20:05:27:38

Downstairs Boom
Player Model: Squeezebox Boom
Firmware: 57
Player IP Address:
Player MAC Address: 00:04:20:1e:3e:fd
Wireless Signal Strength: 99%

Garage SB2
Player Model: Squeezebox
Firmware: 40
Player IP Address:
Player MAC Address: 00:04:20:05:8d:d6

Kitchen Boom
Player Model: Squeezebox Boom
Firmware: 57
Player IP Address:
Player MAC Address: 00:04:20:1e:b7:07
Wireless Signal Strength: 53%

SB3 #1
Player Model: Squeezebox Classic
Firmware: 137
Player IP Address:
Player MAC Address: 00:04:20:12:67:26
Wireless Signal Strength: 70%

Squeezebox Touch
Player Model: Squeezebox Touch
Firmware: 7.7.3-r16662
Player IP Address:
Player MAC Address: 00:04:20:22:ac:20-

SB "user" since 2000...
2 x SB1 ; 2 x SB3 ; 2 x Boom ; 1 x Touch ; 1 x Controller
Windows 7 and LMS Version: 7.7.3 - 1375965195

Next step... a Vortexbox?
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